
Top 5 Tips to Pull Out a Tooth | Fun ways to pull out a tooth

To extract teeth, many efforts have to be made in childhood. We are going to tell you the best and simple tips. With the help of which you will be able to remove your teeth at home. Keep in mind this is an Indian home remedy. Before using it, you should assess the power of your body. We will let you know via post Top 5 Tips to Pull Out a Tooth | Fun ways to pull out a tooth.

how to pull out a tooth

Top 5 Tips to Pull Out a Tooth | Fun ways to pull out a tooth

  • If your tooth is about to break and is moving, then you should apply clove oil in it. There will be relief in toothache. To remove the moving tooth, you eat raw rice by chopping it. By doing this your broken tooth will come out without pain.
  • With the help of root or carrot, you can also bring out your broken tooth. You cut the root or carrot into small pieces. Then chew it and eat it. By eating it, it will weaken the hold of your broken tooth and pull it out easily.
  • With the help of apple, you can also bring out your broken tooth. You cut the apple into small pieces. Then chew it and eat it. By eating it, it will weaken the hold of your broken tooth and pull it out easily.
  • The best way to make your child fall out of a broken tooth is to feed him an apple. By doing this, the broken tooth can be easily pulled out. By doing this the child will not even know that his tooth has come out.
  • If you do not want to try all these methods, then consult a good dentist.


Q : How to pull out a tooth
Ans : The best way to make your child fall out of a broken tooth is to feed him an apple. By doing this, the broken tooth can be easily pulled out. By doing this the child will not even know that his tooth has come out.
Q : How to pull out a tooth quickly
Ans : With the help of root or carrot, you can also bring out your broken tooth. You cut the root or carrot into small pieces. Then chew it and eat it. By eating it, it will weaken the hold of your broken tooth and pull it out easily.
Q :How to pull out a tooth at home
Ans : If your tooth is about to break and is moving, then you should apply clove oil in it. There will be relief in toothache. To remove the moving tooth, you eat raw rice by chopping it. By doing this your broken tooth will come out without pain.
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